Search Results for: Galette

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What is “Galette des Rois” Made of and How Do You Buy One?

Bonjour ! This episode is all about the traditional dessert called “La Galette des Rois”! This cake is entwined with the Three King’s Day or “l’épiphanie” celebrated every January. And that’s too bad, because the cake is delicious-and fun! Ever wondered what the delicious La

Kings and Cakes: la Galette des Rois

Bonjour ! In the early days of January, we take out the cardboard crowns and choose a new king or queen. France doesn’t have the best relationship with royalty; “it’s complicated”, but for one day we don’t care, because la Galette des Rois is really

How to eat la galette des rois in France

Bonjour, Bonne année ! In France, today, on January the 6th, we eat la Galette des Rois: the king cake. You’ll see galettes in all boulangeries in France. And children with their crown on the head after school. It’s not only about eating a galette,

French Fairy Tales, Old and New

Stories connect us all, and one of the best ways to understand French culture is by reading French fairy tales! Learn some here.

How to Eat Crêpes on Chandeleur

Salut, This Sunday on February 2nd, it’s La Chandeleur. In France, that means it’s time for us to cook and eat the famous « crêpes ». Today, you’ll learn about the origins of the Chandeleur tradition in France. Then we’ll look at the vocabulary and

2 unmissable French January traditions

Coucou ! Ça va ? It’s the end of the year, the perfect time to be grateful for what happened to us during the last 365 days. And be full of hope for what’s coming next. So before you discover this week’s video, I wanted

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
