Category: Speaking French

Your guide to all things Français

Friendly videos, tips and tricks from a real insider

Weekly videos, live discussions in a supportive environment… et plus encore!
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L’été de Comme une Française – Comprehension

Salut, Last week, we explored how to improve your French vocabulary. Today, you’ll discover great ways to improve your comprehension with great resources to help you understand French better: written and spoken French. C’est parti !

L’été de Comme une Française – Vocabulary

Salut, Ça va ? Last week, you left your email to practise your French in pairs and we made… 142 teams! WOW! Well done you! I see a LOT of improvements in your French in the upcoming weeks. 🙂 Today, as promised, I’ll give you

L’été de Comme une Française – Practice

Bonjour bonjour, Ça va bien ? Surprise! I’ve prepared something special for the full month of August: 4 weeks to relax while improving your French. Today, you’ll practice your French. The one you already know. Tuesday 12th, you’ll enrich your vocabulary. Tuesday 19th, you’ll practice

3 Expressions From French Movies

Coucou ! In French, as in all languages, we are influenced by movies, TV, songs… And we end up using expressions from those movies, TV programs and songs that don’t mean anything on their OWN but that everybody understands anyway. I’m not sure they are

Improve Your French During Your Trip to Paris

Coucou ! This week, I’m glad to welcome Benoît Villette from France Horizons. Benoît lives in Poland where he teaches French as a foreign language. Benoît and his team also organise tours of Paris to help francophiles improve their French while visiting the capital. He

Tu or Vous? 5 Rules to Help You Choose

Salut, Tu or Vous? That’s a big question in France. Say you’re greeting a friend’s sister you’ve already met. You may be thinking, « Should I kiss her or shake her hand? ». Choosing tu or vous can feel the same way. In this episode

Improve your French comprehension in 30 days

Salut, « Pleaaaaase make something all in French » you said. Ok! This week, I’m offering you the chance to improve your French comprehension. With a brand new Comme une Française course. About the French we speak in the street, at home, with our friends.

French programs: 3 videos to learn French online

Coucou, Ca va ? As you know, I like to learn English the way you LOVE to learn French. Not in old boring books or memorizing lists of vocabulary. Nan nan nan. You and I learn a language in REAL life. We listen to people,

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
