Category: Speaking French

Your guide to all things Français

Friendly videos, tips and tricks from a real insider

Weekly videos, live discussions in a supportive environment… et plus encore!
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How to Choose a Past Tense in French

Is your understanding of French past tenses still imperfect? Well then let”s go over some rules & tips with examples of proper usage of the past tenses!

French Food: Les Yaourts

Salut ! Not a cheese yet, not milk anymore… take out your petite cuillère because today’s topic will be the classic home dessert : le yaourt !

My Personal “Dumb” Tips to Learn More French

Salut ! Today, let’s learn about learning. Once upon a time, I didn’t speak English… so I want to share with you some small tips I used to learn the language, so YOU can use them to improve your French! It works with any language

7 Colloquial French Expressions with Numbers

Salut ! Today, a funny and light topic: colloquial expressions with numbers. This won’t make you fluent. Or improve your comprehension. Or really help you in real life. But it’s funny and that’s a good enough reason to learn them. Also, use them in France,

Spoken French: The Dreaded “On”

Salut ! Welcome back to Comme une Française ! It’s « la rentrée » so I’ve prepared a very special episode about the dreaded « on ». We’ll see what it actually is, how we use it and how you can use « on » too to sound more French. Also,

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
