Your guide to all things Français

Friendly videos, tips and tricks from a real insider

Weekly videos, live discussions in a supportive environment… et plus encore!
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How to Choose a Past Tense in French

Is your understanding of French past tenses still imperfect? Well then let”s go over some rules & tips with examples of proper usage of the past tenses!

French Culture: The French Love of Debate

French people love to debate, and sometimes it looks scary. Here”s why why, how, what topics do we argue about and how you can participate. 🙂

Paris attacks resources

If you’re wondering, I won’t make a video on the Paris attacks this time*.

French Grammar: Repetitions in Spoken French

Salut ! When you speak French very well, sometimes too well, your French might be a little too clean, too formal, too perfect. If you don’t want to sound like a book, it’s always a good idea to dirty it a little. I’m not talking

French Food: Les Yaourts

Salut ! Not a cheese yet, not milk anymore… take out your petite cuillère because today’s topic will be the classic home dessert : le yaourt !

My Personal “Dumb” Tips to Learn More French

Salut ! Today, let’s learn about learning. Once upon a time, I didn’t speak English… so I want to share with you some small tips I used to learn the language, so YOU can use them to improve your French! It works with any language

French Food: Le Sirop

Salut ! You might have seen it at the café du village or maybe at a friend’s home or in the local supermarket, and you didn’t know what it was. It looks like juice, but it’s clearer. It’s not the usual fruits like apple or

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
