Category: French Culture

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6 French Superstitions (You May Not Know About)

Bonjour ! Some traditions in France are superstitions. Which side of the bread should be facing up on the table, how to give a knife as a present… They’re sometimes useful, sometimes weird, and often inconsequential. Yet knowing about them might help explain some French

French Jokes & French Puns

French jokes that are universal, others are specific only to the French language, but all are well known to all French people… and some are really funny!

French Comic Books You’d Love Reading

There are comics have been a part of our culture, they have a great story and they”re also great learning materials to improve your French!

French Culture: The French Love of Debate

French people love to debate, and sometimes it looks scary. Here”s why why, how, what topics do we argue about and how you can participate. 🙂

Paris attacks resources

If you’re wondering, I won’t make a video on the Paris attacks this time*.

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
