Category: French Lifestyle

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How to order a pizza in French

I had the idea for the article from a reader. And this is such a good idea. Comme une Française is not about French clichés, it’s about real life in France. And this includes ordering a pizza after a long day of work. This is

A better life in France in 10 posts

Salut ! As I was in Brazil last week, I thought « Hey, I’m just like my readers right now! ». And asked myself tons of questions such as: – What if I was sick? I see the pharmacies all around me… But what about a doctor?

Bonjour, une baguette s’il vous plaît !

The boulangerie is at the heart of French culture. French can drive miles for a good baguette. And you can spot the best boulangeries by the waiting line on Sunday mornings. I always tell my foreign visitors to try everything in the boulangeries: breads, viennoiseries

Don’t stay sick! Ask the pharmacist!

Have you ever been sick in a foreign country? Me too! And I remember very well my embarrassment while explaining my symptoms to the pharmacist You know what I’m talking about… The symptoms you don’t want the 10 people in the waiting line to know

Kiss or shake hands? Part 2: It can change!

Last tuesday, I published part 1 of this article. I receive lots of questions about « Should I kiss or shake hands? », and I usually refer people to the free video Present yourself in France available when you subscribe to Comme une Française newsletter (it is

How to Buy Makeup in France

Ever felt clueless in a Sephora? Not being able to ask for what you wanted? It hurts! It happened to me a lot. So here are the basics you will need to be « la plus belle ». Make up Let’s become the prettiest girl ever. No

How to go to the gym in France?

How do you call it? The first step is to find a « salle de sport » next to your home. The best is a recommandation of a friend, of course. Next, Google and You can either call them « une salle » ou « un club » with « de

Modifier Wash your clothes!

Wash your clothes! The idea of the article struck when I saw Anders, danish, washing bed sheets using the wool program as « laine » (wool) sounds like « lit » (bed) in French. We say « faire la lessive » or « faire une lessive » or « laver le linge ». It all

How to buy sanitary towels and tampons in France

How to buy sanitary towels and tampons in France Oh no! You have your period and no tampon left in the box! You will have to go out and buy a box. Where? Which brand? How? That’s what we’ll see together. « Protections périodiques » is the

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
