Category: French Lifestyle

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How to Buy Make-Up in France

Salut ! Today, a very practical and down-to-Earth topic: How to buy make-up in France! When in France, you may want to buy some make-up to bring back home to your best friend or just for you. And trust me, when you enter a shop

My Guide to the Bread Etiquette in France

Salut ! In France, bread is sacred. French people buy their daily baguette from their favorite boulangerie (not ANY boulangerie). And cutting bread and sharing it is FULL of unwritten cultural rules. What are these precise bread rules? This is what I’ll show you today.

How to Make a Toast in France

Coucou ! Toasting in all countries is full of customs and superstitions. It’s a tradition that goes back to the Middle Ages and probably beyond. And still now, it’s always a ritual. How to make a toast in France, what to do, what to say?

How to Go to the Cinema in France

Salut ! When in France, you’ll not only find plenty of museums to visit and cafes where you can spend an afternoon, but cinemas where you can relax and watch a movie. This is what we’ll see in today’s episode of Comme une Française TV.

How to Go to the Pharmacy in France

Bonjour ! Have you ever been sick in a foreign country? Yes? Me too! And I remember very well how embarrassing it was to explain my symptoms to the pharmacist. You know what I’m talking about… The symptoms you don’t want the 10 people in

When to Eat in France: Sacred Mealtimes

Salut, As you’ve been interested in French for a while, you know how important food is to French people. And not only what we cook and eat. But also plates, tablecloth and… meal times! Try to have lunch at 4PM and you’ll grab the strictness

How to Wish Someone Happy Mother’s Day in France

Coucou ! In France, this Sunday, it’s Mother’s Day! It may be different in your country but here we celebrate Mother’s day on the last Sunday in May. What about celebrating your mum TWICE this year? She’ll love to receive a « happy mother’s day » in

12 Common French Gestures

Bonjour ! While living in England, I discovered how gestures are important. Mainly by making mistakes. A language is not only words but also gestures and facial expressions. And a gesture is usually understood on its own. People get it straight away. So if you

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
