Search Results for: christmas

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French Christmas Movies

Bonjour ! Holidays + a good Christmas movie? Done deal! Chances are, you might have watched the films The Artist and Amélie, they’re great! Now with the Christmas approaching, how about gathering together with your family, partner or best buds to watch a good French

Christmas in France – La Nuit de Noël

Bonjour ! We’ve been waiting for this night for a whole month, and now it’s here! The tree is glowing with joy and colored lights, the dinner table looks inviting, and the fat man is already out riding his sled overflowing with presents. Today we’ll

Christmas in France – Le Sapin et el Père Noël

Bonjour ! The days are short and the nights are long. People are buying trees, Santa Claus’ elves are making their last presents, traditions fill the air with joy and cinnamon… Christmas is coming! Let’s see how French people prepare for that magic night.

Christmas in France: Traditions and Religion

Bonjour ! Christmas is coming soon! Many Christmas traditions have been secularized: Santa Claus, Christmas trees, presents… Yet for more than a thousand years, the 25th of December has been first and foremost about Christian tradition. Let’s dive into the French religious customs for that

What Happens on Christmas in France

Salut ! Ça va? If only you could see me write this post… I’m in my pajamas, at my parents’ place near Paris, with a delicious coffee smell coming from the kitchen. All presents wrapped, Christmas tree ready, only looking forward to a day of

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
