Category: Travelling in France

Your guide to all things Français

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French People Never Repeat This Word

You probably already know this French greeting… but did you know that repeating it can be perceived as rude? Here’s what to say instead.

What French People Never Eat

You’ve heard of strange French food like escargots and frog legs… but do French people really eat them? Find out, in this French vocabulary and culture lesson.

Tips to Learn French: My Conversation with Accent Français

Bonjour ! What are some practical tips you can use today to practice smarter?How can you prepare your trip to France?How can you practice French “at home”? Today I got the honor of talking about these topics with Julie Lapeyre from Accent Français, an amazing

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
