Category: A Year in France

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Valentine’s Day

Salut ! You might be smelling something in the air. Something like flowers, chocolate and happy couples. That’s right ! It’s the day for love and proof of love, to say « je t’aime » and « t’as de beaux yeux tu sais »… Or maybe to go out

Le 8 Mai in France: A Day of Peace

Salut ! A few words before we start. If you’re interested in speaking French with confidence (a full conversation I mean, not just a few words), my course is reopening very very soon. And this happens only once a YEAR. Don’t miss the opportunity! Click

What Happens on “Le 1er Mai” in France

Salut ! This week, it’s le 1er mai. Le 1er mai is la fête du travail and we… don’t work. It’s a day off. Shops are closed, supermarkets are closed, public transport stops… There are demonstrations in the streets and we receive flowers. Oh, and

Le 1er Avril in France : Poisson D’avril !

Bonjour, Tomorrow is le 1er avril! A day of jokes and tricks. If you have kids in France, they’ll cut paper fish all day and adults will try to trick you. I love sharing stories about French traditions with you. Hope you are in France

Dos and Don’ts on La Saint-Valentin in France

Coucou ! Even though France is supposed to be the most romantic country in the world, we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day as much as you may think. It may be a special evening with your loved one but not a full day. And the gift

What Happens on Christmas in France

Salut ! Ça va? If only you could see me write this post… I’m in my pajamas, at my parents’ place near Paris, with a delicious coffee smell coming from the kitchen. All presents wrapped, Christmas tree ready, only looking forward to a day of

Christmas in France and abroad

Salut ! Christmas is coming soon so I invited a fellow blogger, Sarah, to help me talk about the differences between a French Christmas and an American Christmas. Sarah lives in Philadephia and she talks about the differences between France and the US in her

What happens on “le 11 novembre” in France

Bonjour, Today is “le 11 novembre”, the celebration of the end of WW1. It’s a bank holiday in France. It’s even more important this year as we celebrate WW1 Centenary. Please join me on this special day of peace and commemoration.

La Toussaint in France

Bonjour ! This morning, at the market in my street, there were big pots of flowers called « Chrysanthèmes ». It reminded me of all the people we loved that won’t be here for Christmas, this year. And about the luck we have to still be surrounded

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
