French wishes: how to say good luck in France

Salut c’est Géraldine!

Ca va ?

When your French neighbour Pierre tells you about an important event of life -sickness, exam, holidays or even his wedding rehearsal-… you want to show your enthusiasm and say « good luck Pierre! ».

In French.
Aïe (it means Ouch).

Do you want to learn 2 ways to wish luck in French?
This is what we’ll see in today’s episode of Comme une Française TV!

Click to watch « How to wish « good luck » in French »:

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Et toi ?
Your French will improve ONLY if you take action on what you learn on Comme une Française TV.

Think about 1 French person (or student in your French class) who you want to wish « good luck to ».
Wish her luck in French : Bonne chance pour…. either directly or by email.

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Was your friend happily surprised? Was she impressed by your French? Did she answer back in French?

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