Search Results for: baguette

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French baguette: How to buy the perfect one in France

Salut c’est Géraldine! The boulangerie is at the heart of French culture. For example the French can drive miles for a good baguette. And you can spot the best boulangeries by the waiting line on Sunday mornings. French people want the baguette they actually look

Bonjour, une baguette s’il vous plaît !

The boulangerie is at the heart of French culture. French can drive miles for a good baguette. And you can spot the best boulangeries by the waiting line on Sunday mornings. I always tell my foreign visitors to try everything in the boulangeries: breads, viennoiseries

French People Never Work

Do French people actually work? What are the French working hours? How often do they take holiday? I discuss all of that and more, in this lesson on French work culture.

What French People Never Eat

You’ve heard of strange French food like escargots and frog legs… but do French people really eat them? Find out, in this French vocabulary and culture lesson.

«Double Your Frenchness» Crash Course

Enroll in in my free 10-lesson crash course that has helped thousands like you DOUBLE their Everyday French in 10 Days.
