How to start a conversation in French (part 1)

Have you ever ended up stuck in a “Ca va?” “Oui, et vous?” « Ca va. » conversation?

Where you don’t know how to articulate phrases of more than 3 words?
When you’d really love to connect with the person in front of you?

YES! And you feel like a 5 year-old. I know this feeling too…

This is why I made 2 videos to help you pass the “ça va?” “ça va.” conversation level.
All in a formal and informal form.

We’ll see 4 other ways in next week video.

Click to watch « How to start a conversation in French »:

Et toi alors ?
Have YOU ever been stuck in a “ça va?” “ça va.” conversation?
How did you get out of it?
Tell me in the comments how it went. Share your story so we can discuss in the comment area below the video.

See you next week for 4 other ways. 🙂


PS: New haircut, new Comme Une FrançaiseTV style!

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  • Love your video as usual Geraldine. Thanks! The new haircut by the way looks great. I am often stuck in ca va?, oui et toi ca va? conversations. I think some good starters are key but also just the confidence to just have a go. I get so stuck sometimes but if you can keep trying and show by all your other communication elements (face, tone of voice, body language etc) that you are interested eventually someone who is a little more open and patient gives you a go to have a little more of a conversation. Un petit pas chaque jour. Kids make great little conversationalists too as they are less fussed by “difference” and use simple language. They are not too subtle though so be prepared for the “Je ne comprends rien!” It is not an insult to you, just a fact to them. Try again a different way.

    • Hi Christine!

      Yes, you are right, it’s phrases AND confidence. 🙂 Go go go!!!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing this input.
      Children are indeed a model for conversation with limited vocabulary!

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